This function animates a pixel map created with build_pmap
that the pixels ficker between a series of sampled values.
animate(pmap, flickerSpeed = 0.05, aniLength)
An object from build_pmap
A numeric value between 0 and 0.5.
An integer. A larger value corresponds with a longer animation; a value of at least 20 is recommended.
if (FALSE) {
# This code demonstrates how to animate a pixel map
# It is not run here.
ca_geo <- subset(us_geo, us_geo@data$STATE == "06")
pix <- pixelate(ca_geo, id = "region")
us_data$GEO.id2 <- as.numeric(us_data$GEO.id2)
ca_data <- subset(us_data, us_data$GEO.id2 > 6000 & us_data$GEO.id2 < 7000)
ca_data <- read.uv(data = ca_data, estimate = "pov_rate", error = "pov_moe")
row.names(ca_data) <- seq(1, nrow(ca_data), 1)
df <- data.frame(region = sapply(slot(ca_geo, "polygons"),
function(x) slot(x, "ID")), name = unique(ca_geo@data$GEO_ID))
ca_data$region <- df[match(ca_data$GEO_ID, df$name), 1]
ca_data$region <- as.character(ca_data$region)
m <- build_pmap(data = ca_data, distribution = "uniform", pixelGeo = pix, id = "region")
a <- animate(m, aniLength = 25)